
Nous sommes un cabinet spécialisé en droit de la concurrence, contentieux de la concurrence et régulation numérique basé à Bruxelles, Londres et Amsterdam. Notre équipe d’avocats est à la pointe de ces questions, ayant agi dans de nombreuses affaires majeures en Europe et au Royaume-Uni et ayant occupé des postes de direction dans des agences de concurrence.

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  • Spotify Client testimonial Geradin Partners Competition Lawyers London and Belgium

    Any competent lawyer can tell you what the law is on a given matter, but for those of us who operate at the intersection of law, technology and policy, knowing what the law is likely to be in the future is the most critical skill.  Geradin Partners understands the forces shaping the law that will govern competition in the global technology markets, and is uniquely able to both counsel and provide thought leadership as new legal regimes are designed, debated and enacted to address new technological challenges.

    Horacio Gutierrez, Head of Global Affairs and Chief Legal Officer, Spotify
  • Aside from cutting edge legal advice, Geradin Partners is also able to give strategic advice and insights on policy matters. This is extremely valuable when one needs to not only look at the legal side of a matter but also on how to position oneself as a company

    Anne-Claire Hoyng, Director Global Competition and Consumer Law,